My dear friends,
Communism claims that it is materialistic and the religions
claim that they are spiritualistic.
But how this nonsense approach come into existence I don’t
understand. Are we so stupid, so unscientific and so gullible? Yes may be.
Religions claim that they are spiritualistic, that means
they are spiritual oriented, first and foremost for them is spiritual values
and they least interested in material world. This is true and they behaved that
way at least in India and the outcome is that India becomes poor and
unscientific. Not only that, the so called spiritualists, most of them except a
few - and those few anyhow need no philosophy for their way of life – they all
become escapists, hypocrites and blind believers. They have become
spiritualists only for easy food and shelter and lazy life. No search involved.
They simply pretend like disciples or followers for some path of somebody and
slowly, slowly they even forget this pretendness and they simply started
believing that this is the way of life for them. Simply believe and beg the so
called god or guru. Take no responsibility, no initiative, keep your desires
suppressed, condemn yourself and condemn the people who enjoy life. But what
kind of spirituality is this? What kind of maturity is this? What they lived
and experienced? They become parasites of the society.
Moreover the spiritual leaders become the secret agents of
the kings who ruled. In the name of religion they create all god stories or puranas
to support the king, to enslave the people, ideas which will suppress the poor,
suppress the revolt against the rulers. They keep rules separate for kings,
separate for poor, separate for rich, separate for themselves. All temples of
god or avatars or gurus are used as a social means to control and console the
people. What kind of spirituality is this? This is a cunning politics in the
name of spirituality.
What kind of spiritual philosophy they held? A creator god,
a maintenance god, a destroyer god – looks like running a factory. A linga, the
phallic symbol to worship and this can be understood because in the olden days,
children must be the wealth of the tribe because children means more power to
fight, the group becomes stronger. And of course a child born out of
intercourse and at the same time not every intercourse produces children. So
the tribes must have worshipped the phallic symbol before and after making the
intercourse, to make it a success by making the woman pregnant. And they
worship sun, moon, rain, fire, elephant, lion etc., simply whatever frightens
them and whatever’s favour they needed.
Of course in the west, Christianity from the very beginning
only pretends and so the church becomes the first and foremost corporate, the
largest and richest corporate. The whole corporate culture of brainwashing the
people and calling it the corporate philosophy is born out of it.
Ok. This is our spiritual history. Of course there were
really few scientific and playful people around but after their death, the
spiritual agents converted the whole life of these people as they want and used
it to enslave the people more. For example Krishna’s life is converted into a
story mine for the so called spiritualists. Also in case of Buddha, he was
narrated as evil but still accepted as the avatar of god, of course an evil
avatar and a foolish gullible story was made explaining why he has born like
In Tamilnadu, all the Buddhist and Jain temples were converted into Hindu
temples with 1000 years but alas, now every Hindu temple carries a Sthala-purana
(a fiction involving a god and a miracle performed at that place) of its own to
explain how it comes into existence. What foolishness! Because only you are
educated, you can write any rubbish and moreover the believers are not expected
even to think against anything told about god. Doubting is beyond your limit.
In recent past, just in 20th century, Raman Maharishi lived a very
simple life, not preaching any god or any religion but only repeatedly told to
search who you are. His whole teaching is condensed in three words, who am i? That’s
all. But now if you go to the place where he lived, it is hilarious to see how
he has been converted into a Hindu god to worship, pray and beg for favour.
Now we see the great materialists. The communists, who think
that they are great thinkers, and their Karl Marx, Lenin and Mao established a
new way of life, founded new philosophy and revolutionalised the world.
On one hand, in the present practical world, the communists
utterly failed, communism failed, the government under this philosophy failed. The
basic reason for this is simple that no human is ready to get satisfied with
food and shelter. Life is not merely food and shelter and 2 sets of dress per
year. It is never ending process and there is no limit for it. Any philosophy
has to fall short of it. The life is a search. The deepest feeling in every
human being is this seeking, seeking what they may not know, but the deepest
feeling is to seek and search. The search may be for the peace, the lost home,
the lost womb, as the modern psychologists suggest. But everybody is in the
process of seeking, seeking something, this is true.
Now I take their philosophy of materialistic outlook. They
say there is no spirit and only matter exists. The water runs and this doesn’t
mean that the water has a soul. Nobody thinks like that. Then why only humans
have to bring soul for his life behaviour? This is perfectly right. But what I
ask them is, why they waste their time is fighting against the soul which is
not existent. Because their whole philosophy of revolution and act of violence
is based on this, that is treating the humans like basic material, so that you
don’t feel guilt of killing the other human beings.
For me body is enough and I accept their stand. This
material is enough. I live it; I live it totally, intensely, joyfully and
playfully. I want to know it intrinsically, not only as an observer but also by
feeling it, by living it. Is it wrong?
For example take the case of water. It runs, it is his quality, that’s all;
there is no soul, that’s right. Now the water jumps in some places, falls in
some places, move slowly in some places, becomes vapour in somewhere, becomes
cloud and wander on the sky somewhere, becomes ice and snow somewhere, Right?
So like this I want to live my body’s life, my body’s potentialities, my body’s
possibilities fully, Right? By living my body like this, new new feelings I
get, like beauty, love, friendship, music, art, laugh, wonder, peace, silence,
contend, sharing etc., etc., other than the animal emotions that comes with the
body normally, Right?
Like this a feeling of organic unity with the existence
also happened to somebody and they expressed that in their words. This is
branded as spirituality by the so called religious leaders and was made as a
philosophy and sold. This selling is absolutely wrong. But at the same time,
refusing to live the life fully, negating the higher possibilities of human
growth is also equally wrong. Are not they? Body is material, but material of
many kinds. Feelings, thoughts, emotions, brain waves, memory systems, nervous
current, etc., are very subtle materials and we should be open for more
findings, more subtle things and no-things. What is in the name? You can call
subtle material or soul or compassion or meditation or consciousness or
witnessing or anything. But in the name of materialism, why you close the life
of humans? This is again a trick to enslave the people, to hide your guilt of
All old time intellectuals turned into spiritualists and new
age thinkers turned into materialists. But both want to exploit the poor and
want to live a lazy life. In the olden times, the spiritual thinkers, in India
the Brahmins and in every place some kind of
priests, become the agent of the king and rich and join hands in
exploiting the masses. In the 20th century, lot of intellectuals
were neglected by the kings and the rich and so the intellectuals find the
philosophy of materialism and they convince the masses of their exploitation
and become leaders and win the power, comfort and prestige. So basically there
is no truth in spiritualism and there is no truth in materialism. Both are ways
and means for intellectuals to live in comfort and power.
All philosophies are hoax. Life is infinite. Life is
indefinable. Life is vast and a dance in vast scale. Life is beyond the power
of intellectual understanding. Life is a mystery. You can jump into it, merge
with it, be it, taste it but you cannot control or conceive it by your mind.
You can move into deeper realms of life, and those experiences or feelings are
not expressible but truer than anything defined by the mind.
So we live and love the life in its totality. It’s all
dimensions. And to have the deepest feelings you need to touch the meditation
and to have the highest comfort you need to touch the science. Science without deep
feelings is having the beautiful drawing without the eyes and negating the body
and its life and seeking deeper feelings is like you want to enjoy the ocean
without even learning the swimming in the pool.
We live both and with deepest feeling called meditation, we
understand that there is no separation in existence. No opposites in existence.
All are complementary to each other, they support each other, they are joined
in the deep and they are in deep organic unity. Left is not left and right is
not right, they are one, not even one as separate, they are in the whole, like
the bubbles in the ocean, they exist separately but they are not separate and
they are ocean itself.
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