Friday, November 21, 2014


Dear friends,

Expand the present moment.
Yes. Don’t hang on to the past and don’t hope for the future. This is what OSHO says.

But to mean it, live it is an amazing experience or an endless experiencing.

You try it this way. Don’t go into the philosophy of it or into the questions of how can you live without the past or how can you live without future.

That is already minding and all arguments depend on the knowledge of the mind and the capacity to argue. Anything can be denied or convinced, it depends on the minds that argue.

So what i suggest is just experimentation. Put yourself into this experiment.

Just sit relaxed. No closing of eyes or anything. No focus or concentration. Just sit and feel,
Whatever comes up, feel!

Touch of sounds, touch of the air, touch of light from around,
your touch of eyes on things around, trees around or anything,
touch of smells on you, touch of anything,
may be thoughts enter you and go from you, dreams float in your mind,
mind starts chattering, body moves, sensations in the body,
you want to drink water, thirsty, hunger, feeling your body hot, cool,
feeling nothing etc.,

Your eyes enlarge, become wide on seeing something, you feel the climate, trees, plants, insects, may be you feel them deep inside you or you are deep inside of them etc.,

You feel the urge of doing something arise in you, mind urges urgency, mind argues to plan or to analyse something etc.,

You see the feeling of people who built this house, who plant this tree, you see the feel of a bird sitting, you feel the smell of the soil, you feel the people around, you feel the people who lived here, their love, hate, struggle, birth, death, many more...,   

You go on seeing and aware and you become more and more aware of the present moment and you don’t stop or focus on any particular thing. Don’t get concentrated or focused.

Be more aware of the present, feel the sun, moon, stars, earth, sea, snow of Himalayas, desert of Rajasthan, ocean of Andaman, etc., 

Feel the mosquito which bites you, feel the breath going in and coming out, feel the aliveness of the body, the wind blowing, the entire organic world moving, go on and on and on into the awareness.

Put all your energy to be aware at the most of the present. Feel the child going to school, old lady resting tired, labour working hard, aware of the sky and the sky beyond the earth, feel the movement of earth, forces operating around you like radio waves, light, current, magnetic force, brainwaves etc, etc., whatever is possible bring more and more into your awareness. Many things may seem to be an imagination in the first but you can be aware slowly. Sometimes you start from knowledge and then feel, sometimes directly you feel something but always end up with feeling and not fall into thinking.

Awareness is just you be a mirror, a mirror of energy, in which you bring everything.

The beauty and the miracle of the awareness is that it is like a torch light and on whatsoever you turn, you can see through and through.

It is just a habit that we go on thinking inside the knowledge bank of ours about everything. Instead just be aware and suddenly you see more deep and you feel deeper.

When you are deep into this moment, deep into the awareness process, awareness touching the awareness also happens.

Yup. You got it. This is meditation.

Until you submerge into this awareness, go on expand your present moment, until your mind stops, your tiny world drops, your body emotions evaporate, your hopes die, your habits gone, go on and on into the present moment.

Expand the present moment to all the presence. May be you are gone and the presence of this moment is only here and you are simply a very tiny part of it but organically joined with it.

You are it as a taste but not as an outsider anymore. Existence is not outside separate from you may be. You are existence but not only you.

The feeling of present moment may cover endless time of the past and endless time of the future. It can become the whole eternity. Anything of past, as you think may be wrong and it can become your present.

Time is a small memory storage devise and seeing through it is one way of arranging memories for reuse. But present is so vast and the presence is so whole that nothing can be out of it.

All and everything becomes your contemporary or you disappear and only the presence is there.

When the awareness goes so deep that it touches the awareness itself, you transcend into a new feeling of existence. In that existence, there is no I and Thou. Only isness. You can divide a centre and a circumference from your memory but inseparable. You may explain a silence of rock and a dancing force around from your mind but a whole without any division.

So simply fall into the present moment and allow yourself to be merged into it. Then there is nothing else. There is no inside and outside, there is no search and seeker, there is no i and thou, there is no past and future. Just life and life and life, that’s all. Just a dance, a silence dancing, that’s all. There is nowhere to go and nothing to attain.

Live this moment. Life is only this moment. This is the only truth.



Tuesday, November 11, 2014


My dear friends,
Communism claims that it is materialistic and the religions claim that they are spiritualistic.
But how this nonsense approach come into existence I don’t understand. Are we so stupid, so unscientific and so gullible? Yes may be.
Religions claim that they are spiritualistic, that means they are spiritual oriented, first and foremost for them is spiritual values and they least interested in material world. This is true and they behaved that way at least in India and the outcome is that India becomes poor and unscientific. Not only that, the so called spiritualists, most of them except a few - and those few anyhow need no philosophy for their way of life – they all become escapists, hypocrites and blind believers. They have become spiritualists only for easy food and shelter and lazy life. No search involved. They simply pretend like disciples or followers for some path of somebody and slowly, slowly they even forget this pretendness and they simply started believing that this is the way of life for them. Simply believe and beg the so called god or guru. Take no responsibility, no initiative, keep your desires suppressed, condemn yourself and condemn the people who enjoy life. But what kind of spirituality is this? What kind of maturity is this? What they lived and experienced? They become parasites of the society.
Moreover the spiritual leaders become the secret agents of the kings who ruled. In the name of religion they create all god stories or puranas to support the king, to enslave the people, ideas which will suppress the poor, suppress the revolt against the rulers. They keep rules separate for kings, separate for poor, separate for rich, separate for themselves. All temples of god or avatars or gurus are used as a social means to control and console the people. What kind of spirituality is this? This is a cunning politics in the name of spirituality.

What kind of spiritual philosophy they held? A creator god, a maintenance god, a destroyer god – looks like running a factory. A linga, the phallic symbol to worship and this can be understood because in the olden days, children must be the wealth of the tribe because children means more power to fight, the group becomes stronger. And of course a child born out of intercourse and at the same time not every intercourse produces children. So the tribes must have worshipped the phallic symbol before and after making the intercourse, to make it a success by making the woman pregnant. And they worship sun, moon, rain, fire, elephant, lion etc., simply whatever frightens them and whatever’s favour they needed.
Of course in the west, Christianity from the very beginning only pretends and so the church becomes the first and foremost corporate, the largest and richest corporate. The whole corporate culture of brainwashing the people and calling it the corporate philosophy is born out of it.

Ok. This is our spiritual history. Of course there were really few scientific and playful people around but after their death, the spiritual agents converted the whole life of these people as they want and used it to enslave the people more. For example Krishna’s life is converted into a story mine for the so called spiritualists. Also in case of Buddha, he was narrated as evil but still accepted as the avatar of god, of course an evil avatar and a foolish gullible story was made explaining why he has born like this.
In Tamilnadu, all the Buddhist and Jain temples were converted into Hindu temples with 1000 years but alas, now every Hindu temple carries a Sthala-purana (a fiction involving a god and a miracle performed at that place) of its own to explain how it comes into existence. What foolishness! Because only you are educated, you can write any rubbish and moreover the believers are not expected even to think against anything told about god. Doubting is beyond your limit. In recent past, just in 20th century, Raman Maharishi lived a very simple life, not preaching any god or any religion but only repeatedly told to search who you are. His whole teaching is condensed in three words, who am i? That’s all. But now if you go to the place where he lived, it is hilarious to see how he has been converted into a Hindu god to worship, pray and beg for favour.
Now we see the great materialists. The communists, who think that they are great thinkers, and their Karl Marx, Lenin and Mao established a new way of life, founded new philosophy and revolutionalised the world.

On one hand, in the present practical world, the communists utterly failed, communism failed, the government under this philosophy failed. The basic reason for this is simple that no human is ready to get satisfied with food and shelter. Life is not merely food and shelter and 2 sets of dress per year. It is never ending process and there is no limit for it. Any philosophy has to fall short of it. The life is a search. The deepest feeling in every human being is this seeking, seeking what they may not know, but the deepest feeling is to seek and search. The search may be for the peace, the lost home, the lost womb, as the modern psychologists suggest. But everybody is in the process of seeking, seeking something, this is true.
Now I take their philosophy of materialistic outlook. They say there is no spirit and only matter exists. The water runs and this doesn’t mean that the water has a soul. Nobody thinks like that. Then why only humans have to bring soul for his life behaviour? This is perfectly right. But what I ask them is, why they waste their time is fighting against the soul which is not existent. Because their whole philosophy of revolution and act of violence is based on this, that is treating the humans like basic material, so that you don’t feel guilt of killing the other human beings.

For me body is enough and I accept their stand. This material is enough. I live it; I live it totally, intensely, joyfully and playfully. I want to know it intrinsically, not only as an observer but also by feeling it, by living it. Is it wrong?  For example take the case of water. It runs, it is his quality, that’s all; there is no soul, that’s right. Now the water jumps in some places, falls in some places, move slowly in some places, becomes vapour in somewhere, becomes cloud and wander on the sky somewhere, becomes ice and snow somewhere, Right? So like this I want to live my body’s life, my body’s potentialities, my body’s possibilities fully, Right? By living my body like this, new new feelings I get, like beauty, love, friendship, music, art, laugh, wonder, peace, silence, contend, sharing etc., etc., other than the animal emotions that comes with the body normally, Right?
Like this a feeling of organic unity with the existence also happened to somebody and they expressed that in their words. This is branded as spirituality by the so called religious leaders and was made as a philosophy and sold. This selling is absolutely wrong. But at the same time, refusing to live the life fully, negating the higher possibilities of human growth is also equally wrong. Are not they? Body is material, but material of many kinds. Feelings, thoughts, emotions, brain waves, memory systems, nervous current, etc., are very subtle materials and we should be open for more findings, more subtle things and no-things. What is in the name? You can call subtle material or soul or compassion or meditation or consciousness or witnessing or anything. But in the name of materialism, why you close the life of humans? This is again a trick to enslave the people, to hide your guilt of violence.
All old time intellectuals turned into spiritualists and new age thinkers turned into materialists. But both want to exploit the poor and want to live a lazy life. In the olden times, the spiritual thinkers, in India the Brahmins and in every place some kind of  priests, become the agent of the king and rich and join hands in exploiting the masses. In the 20th century, lot of intellectuals were neglected by the kings and the rich and so the intellectuals find the philosophy of materialism and they convince the masses of their exploitation and become leaders and win the power, comfort and prestige. So basically there is no truth in spiritualism and there is no truth in materialism. Both are ways and means for intellectuals to live in comfort and power.

All philosophies are hoax. Life is infinite. Life is indefinable. Life is vast and a dance in vast scale. Life is beyond the power of intellectual understanding. Life is a mystery. You can jump into it, merge with it, be it, taste it but you cannot control or conceive it by your mind. You can move into deeper realms of life, and those experiences or feelings are not expressible but truer than anything defined by the mind.
So we live and love the life in its totality. It’s all dimensions. And to have the deepest feelings you need to touch the meditation and to have the highest comfort you need to touch the science. Science without deep feelings is having the beautiful drawing without the eyes and negating the body and its life and seeking deeper feelings is like you want to enjoy the ocean without even learning the swimming in the pool.

We live both and with deepest feeling called meditation, we understand that there is no separation in existence. No opposites in existence. All are complementary to each other, they support each other, they are joined in the deep and they are in deep organic unity. Left is not left and right is not right, they are one, not even one as separate, they are in the whole, like the bubbles in the ocean, they exist separately but they are not separate and they are ocean itself.


Sunday, November 9, 2014

From struggle to spontaneity is the growth of Humanity

What is wrong with this life? How we create newnew problems in the world?

The only answer is that, we are struggling and fighting continuously. This is the way of life taught to us by the society from our childhood. This is the way we are taught to live and to face the outside world. So we fight and struggle with ourselves, with our inner also.

It is like two ends of a stick, our inner and outer. They are not separate, they look like that but they are deeply connected, inseparable and one.

But for our mind it is two separate things. I and thou. So considering that we are not having authentic experience of ‘no mind’ state of being, we have inner and outer separate. Moreover how we are to the outside, same attitude gets applied to our inner also.

So OSHO says to accept, not even accept but enjoy, rejoice (enjoying with awareness) the inner, rejoice yourselves and the same attitude will come to the outside also. The outside changes without any effort, very naturally. Not only that, by rejoicing the inner, the inner emotions grow naturally to the next level of growth, to a higher feelings. From animalist to humanness, from humanness to divineness.

So the basic problem is struggling and fighting attitude. This was taught to you by way of splitting you, your inner first, in your very early childhood itself. Your consciousness, awareness has been made clouded by the society. You were given a name, a false importance, and the self image creating process is triggered by others in you in your very early childhood. By having created a self image with your name and with your mother, father and surroundings, your inner gets split. Your self-image opposes your animality inside. When you grow up, you create another basic division by having ego – a condensed self image of supremacy or complex – a condensed self image of inferiority. Other than your ego or complex, all other accrued things from the society become your sub-conscious mind. So your splits go on increasing and each one is fighting with the other inside and this eats up your whole energy and your consciousness.

But a conscious mind, an ego or complex is a necessary evil, so you cannot blame your family or society for that. You have to feel separate, only then you can be taught the social way, You can inherit the human growth. But you should be taught to drop it and be yourself also, without this split. But this is not taken care of by the society. This is completely forgotten.

This is what OSHO insists. A child has to be taught to be original, just to be a consciousness, an awareness, an unsplit being, a whole, a small existence itself, a bubble in the ocean of existence and this feeling, this truth, he calls meditation.

Ok. You are split in many many ways. By nations, by language, by religion, by family etc. etc. and you become weaker and weaker. Also you see the outside also with so many splits and you become an expert in splitting things. This creates more fighting and struggling both inside and outside. Inside you fight with your spontaneity and outside you fight out of fear created by your vision of split. Your conscious mind is a splitting machine and it goes on splitting everything into two, everybody into two, either a friend or foe. Life becomes a struggle, you become more and more a closed and sealed box in existence.

Now i see a question in the mind? Then what you want? Accept any humility, any exploitation, any slavery, even when i clearly see?

NO. A strong NO. I didn’t mean it. Keep your self-respect. The difference or the line dividing the self-respect and struggle is that of defence and offence. Be defensive. Be aware. Keep your space. Die but don’t give-up yourself. Because then you become a slave and all chances of growth is lost. Your life will be simply a means for somebody’s exploitation.

Instead get your consciousness free from the associations, free from the clouded vision. Let your consciousness be pure like a clean mirror. Let it reflect everything. But it owns nothing, it has no imprints. So let it be your ego or subconscious mind or complex or animality or outside impacts or whatever the case, be aware that they are all reflections in your consciousness only. They change but your mirror of consciousness is always clean, and you never get dusty from these. This will make you to live spontaneously, to respond spontaneously, to respond naturally. You live as a natural human being.

This is the basic need. And when you live like this, with keeping your consciousness always free and you live with this awareness, your animalistic unconscious emotions will blossom into humanistic conscious feelings. Life naturally takes you to the next evolution stage. Not only that, the outside also becomes a paradise and you enjoy, you feel grateful about it and you don’t rape the nature.

Life becomes an organic unity; you feel everything inside you and also in the inside of everything outside you feel yourself. Then life is a continuous celebration, no complaints, no fear, every happening is good, ecstatic and even death is not a cut but a continuum. The whole life becomes a play and your life becomes the dance of existence expressing beauty, truth and consciousness.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Life is inside and not outside

Dear friends,

You are happy inside. Your child or servant broke a glass or slip the tea cup on your dress. What is your action? You say simply it is ok and you continue in your happy mood. You are able to see that the thing happened is not done voluntarily but an accident. But if you are angry or in stress you start barking and shouting.

Another example i want to give. If the neighbour’s child becomes sick and you see that they are worrying then you tell them it is nothing to worry and will go away in a few days. You give a discourse that the fever is a symptom of the body showing that it is working on something and we have to support it. It is common and just don’t feed him and let him starve a little and it will help tremendously. You tell to your wife that they are worrying too much and this kind of attachment is not good for them and the child both. But if you child is slightly sick, you rush to the most famous hospital in the town. What happens?

Mind is a reasoning tool. If you allow it then it explains both of your reactions as perfect and it will throw the reason for your actions only outside. In the first case, it will explain that even though you know it is not their mistake, they will become more careful by your shouting. In the second case, even though you know that there is nothing serious, it is always good to have a check up.

Basically mind is doing only this. You live your life from the inside and mind is used to give an appropriate explanation according to the need or question arising outside. You have many minds or many stand points or many masks or many masters or many conditionings in your brain. Even when one mind is objecting, the other comes out with an explanation. But the reality is that your emotions rule you.

So mind is a lawyer you created in your brain to protect your actions arising out of your emotions. So if you really want to understand life or understand you or understand your problems, then you have to see inside. Living the inside is your life. Outside world is only matter and only you, from your inside give the meaning and convert it into life. A bike is a bike. But when the moment you bought it, it is not the same bike to you. For others it is same, but for you it is changed. The relationship, the outlook, the stand point has changed the bike.

All our life is only an expression of our emotions and our entire world outside is only our emotionally projected connections. It doesn’t mean that there is no outside world. There is. But you don’t see that as it is. For a doctor, a patient is only a human body and the same patient for you may be your father, mother, child or somebody very important. When he suffers of pain, the doctor is not affected, but you are affected. This individual world is an illusion or MAYA, created by your emotional projections only.

The animals only have this world, the world of illusion and they have no possibility to know the real world. But human’s have. And this we call awareness, the special quality of human. And this is the human suffering. He is not ignorant and at the same time he is not free from this illusion.

So trying to solve the problems of inside by the outside means only is not right. This is what the west has tried, by science, by technology, by accumulating wealth by robbery from other nations or people. But this doesn’t solve the human problem. They are in a deeper mess. Psychotherapy becomes the highest earning profession in the west. Here simple astrologer does that work for a very small fee of 50 or 100 rupees. Science or logic is useful to create a certain comforts for the humanity, to make him free from the basic needs like food and shelter. But more than that, your world is emotionally your own linked world and that is created from your inside.

In the east, we have neglected completely the science and logic because of the understanding that the world is a projection of inside. But only the individual worlds are projections and there is a real world and there are real needs of the body. In the peak of wealth and abundance, India stops to take care of the real world and real needs, because there is so much. The only thing to focus is to go inside and find solutions. This is where the west is standing now. But because of this attitude, India is enslaved for 2000 years, become poor and this affected the life and slowly the search of inside becomes a hypocrisy and phony.

That is why OSHO synthesize both. He says be a zorba the Buddha. That is, take care of your needs and create comforts, use the outside life experiences, to live and to explore your inside. Your inside is your real life. Your body needs are not your life, they are just compulsions, and there is not much juice in it. The real life is living your inside, so the real problems, deeper problems are also only there.

To understand that our life is really or in depth is the life of our inside is the first step towards spirituality. Now how to be free inside, like how we become free from the outside needs, is the exploration of spirituality. The same methodology of science and logic, by which we become free from the outside needs, is not workable in the realm of your inside. There the situation is totally different.

You have to grow from needs to art, a person for whom the art becomes more valuable or the artistic life becomes more valuable than the life of needs. Then from artistic way of living, you can grow to spiritual way of living.

This journey is the pilgrimage and this journey itself is a celebration. This journey itself will bring the well being, wonderous world and joyous life to this earth.

Let us join this dance and celebration.



Monday, September 1, 2014


Dear friends,

In the East people think that they don’t die completely and they reborn with their essentials intact.

But this is not true. You die completely. You, as what you are now, will be dead completely when you die. Your body dies, your education, your assets, your business, your status, your pride, your relations, your friends, everything dies, your skills, your talents, your knowledge all dies.

So what else is remaining? Or even if something is remaining, what you have to do with it?

You die completely, that is the truth.

So accept it and rise to live it. See the fact, accept the fact. After death whatever is remaining, is remaining with others only. Others may remember your thoughts, deeds, feelings, your body, your actions etc., but for you, you are dead completely. Remember it.

So this is the fear of everybody and everything. This fear is valid. This fear has a truth behind it.

So, now, what is that OSHO talks about, what is that eternity?, what is that deathless?

If you look closely on OSHO and all real masters sayings, you can see one thing: that they say there is no death but they add that in the first place there is no birth itself.

So one, that is never born never dies also, of course this we understand.

But then again this one is not you and me and we are worried only about ourselves.

So death is true for us.

So what is spirituality? What OSHO is saying? In what way we are connected with it?

The Root cause of all human suffering is this death fear.

So OSHO asks you to see the nature of life. Life is a continuum. It is a flow with many shapes and many forms. You are one such form. You will die completely but life continues. So don’t feel yourself as your body and its faculties but feel the life in you. The energy flow, the qualities of it. Not only that, to feel the life, die before the death comes, this is what they suggest. Any how you are going to die completely, and you are in fear of that death, so instead of living with this fear, die now itself. Die what you are and see if there is any resurrection in eternity.

Otherwise what is your life? Fear and fear and fear, some moments of forgetfulness of this fear, and for that you use all kinds of drugs from good effect to bad effect. Your whole society is formed in this way. Death is a taboo in the society. You cremate the person you loved in a remote corner of your town.

So first understand clearly that you die completely. You have no rebirth, no continuity, and for that matter nobody has rebirth or continuity. Some BODY, not somebody, may pick up some thoughts in the air, some feelings in the air but this is not rebirth.

Second amazing thing, which is the base of spirituality, is that that you have the potential to cross over the feelings of the bodily existence and you can touch or taste the life itself now and here. It can happen to you. But you cannot have it, because only on your death, this possibility arises. But again you have the potential to die before the death of the body. This process or teaching method or creating an inner and outer climate for you to die, is called meditation technique by OSHO.

Thirdly, after this death experience, your existence transcends the body. Your existence becomes of a different quality. This is more like a jump from animal to human, from limited body feelings to unlimited cosmic feelings. Though your body still exists, you are not. Body is a mechanism and it will run until it gets breakdown but you are awakened from the illusion of the body.

So spirituality is an adventure, a challenge, a quantum jump into the unknown. For that you have to understand first that you are like a bubble in existence and you die completely in your death. Moreover death comes for sure and that is the only certainty in the future of you. This makes you frustrated with this life, fed up with this life and you are ready to take any risk. Because what is the risk, you have nothing to lose, anyhow you die completely today or tomorrow. Instead of cheating yourself that you are a winner in this life and to appear so doing all kinds of dramas, you get bored. The intelligent always ends up here.

So you try to open up your potentiality. This is the real spirituality. Here you put yourself for experimentation. That is why very few people really interested in spirituality.

People love lies, people love dreams, people love hypocrisy, people love society approved drugs like god, power, prestige, fame, medals, honours etc., people who don’t get these drugs love the other drugs supplied by society like TV, Drama, Chatting, Gossip  etc., and some people love drugs like gambling, drinks, smoking & other chemical drugs,  people love sleep, people love to forget the fact of death somehow in short.

But if you die and resurrect, then the living in the body itself will become a creation of great art without any effort. Great artist is one, who is separate from his art, who never bothering about his art, the art becomes a child’s play for him. It is not his real life. He transcends it. But still he creates the art just as a play, just for the sake of sharing him. This kind of playful life is possible for humans. This is the vision of OSHO.

So, friends, realize the death. Suddenly you become courageous, you become adventurous, you become energetic to live this moment.

Not much time left. You die completely. So before that transcend you.



Friday, August 22, 2014


Dear friends,
Modern man is controlled and conditioned by thoughts, ideas, ambitions, goals, opinions, aims, beliefs, logical thinking, rational thinking, complexes of ego or inferior, stand points of mind, comparison, social values, etc., and all these are called by a single name “MIND” or more correctly can be called as “MINDING” because it is not a separate thing, but instead it is a continuous action taking place in the Brain.

There are activities in Brain which are not of Mind but only of knowledge. Like you know driving and you drive and this action of brain is not mind. Then what activity of brain is mind?

What is connected with emotions or for the purpose to fulfil your emotions OR the knowledge based activities connected with emotions or for the purpose to fulfil your emotions become your mind or minding. Then emotions......... emotions are body based, body centered, body protective, body needs and bodily unconscious information storage based. You can call them simply animalistic. This is not a condemnation, please remember. Moreover the humans’ emotion become more violent, more cunning, more political, more exploiting and more developed. Humans become hypocrites with their language, culture and diplomacy.

Humans born with a certain consciousness, that is, he is conscious of his consciousness. Animals are only conscious, only have feelings, no consciousness about its consciousness. But man has a feeling about his feelings. This is a must because he is born as a premature baby and so to protect him, this conscious of him is needed. So human baby is born with this tool, but utterly dependent and looks up for help. Now the society around him utilise this opportunity and cultivate him according to their custom. He is given a SELF, a false SELF and he becomes self conscious. His consciousness is utilised to conscious of his false self. This is not conscious of his real self. This is self-conscious or conscience, you may call.

The working or the continuous thinking process in the brain based on the false self and connected with emotions are the Mind or Minding.

Ok. Now we have emotions and we call the place of emotions as Heart.

Like thinking process is in brain, emotion process is in the heart.

Like knowledge is stored in brain, emotional experiences stored in heart.

So in the process of meditation or in the process of finding the real SELF, the first step is to see your thought process separately from you or Having a certain gap between you and your thinking process. To taste this, we have many meditation techniques.

After attaining this, after you learn to keep a gap of yourself from the process of minding, this is not that you are free from minding; just you have a gap or little loose grip of minding on you. Really without cutting the heart and making the heart empty, you cannot stop minding or the minding will not stop or drop.

The real test comes after this. Now you should become like this in your heart. You should create a gap or become loosely griped by heart. Then you cut the heart and break away from the past, from the body, from the emotional supports. You drop the old conditioned way of functioning of the heart that it always looking or taking the support of emotions. That may be from your own past or from the other. But you should become an EMPTY HEART, a free heart, an empty path way for energy flow.

When you become the empty heart, existence starts revealing to you the mysteries of life. You become the TAO that means “simply the way”. This is LET GO, this is SURRENDER. And this is the last step which happens on its own, but only when you are courageous to empty your heart and stand alone. This courage is not against something you feel power, but on the contrary, you are ready to die, you are able to accept and enjoy your helplessness. This aloneness is not that you are lonely, but you allow your loneliness to melt and merge with existence.

Thursday, July 31, 2014


What is this Grounding? Or Centering?

Always have a sense of body and you are grounded,

Always feel the Hara centre and you are grounded,

Always have the sense of where and what and you are grounded,

Always have the feel of your situation and you are grounded,

Always accept the reality and you are grounded,

Always act with awareness and you are grounded,

Always accept the death and you are grounded,

Always act in the present and you are grounded,

Never lose conscious and you are grounded,

Never fall into hallucination, imagination and you are grounded,

Never taken over by mind, by desires, by motivations and you are grounded,

Never pushed by others and you are grounded,

Never get into worry and you are grounded,

Never lose self-confidence and you are grounded,

There is so much and there is so many methods to teach them, train them.

But even after the training, when they go into life and try to practice, people are in a mess and they don’t feel centered. They don’t feel they find the ground. It is ok for managing day to day life but when they look inside, they get confused.

Where is my ground? Where is my centre? If i reached or touched the ground, then it must be there always and i should feel joy and i should be able to enjoy myself. Instead only it is like a tool i use to manage myself and this itself creates tension.

Even meditators, when trying to feel the Hara centre continuously are in a mess. They have to follow a certain discipline, adopt a certain way of life and then only they are able to feel the centre always. Otherwise they miss it or they struggle with themselves to be in the centre or in the grounding. This is strange because if it is grounding, then one must feel at ease and effortless and joy.

That is why we seek grounding or centering.  So what is the problem? 

Many meditators asked me about this. What is the real centre? Where is the real centre? What is our grounding? We feel grounded during the meditation but it never stays and if it is not staying, then how can it be grounding? So whatever we are taught in meditation workshops are something else, which gives us good feeling or they are not real grounding or centering.

That is true. During meditations you get the taste of some grounding or centering and that is not false also, but they are temporary grounds and you rest there. After sometime when you have taken enough rest there or when your mind is active again, you move away from the grounding. YOU HAVE STILL NOT REACHED THE REAL GROUNDING ON WHICH YOUR LIFE MOVES OR DANCES. If you touch that, then whatever the state of you, whatever the act of you, whatever the feeling of you , whatever the situation of you, you won’t lose the grounding.

So what is that? I don’t know how to explain it or to communicate it. But i can give you some examples. For a bird, for example, the sky is the grounding or centering.  for the fish, of course, the ocean is the grounding. It look strange, yap? Of course, because your idea of grounding or centering is something fixed, tiny. But that is the hindrance, the wrong idea.

So what is for humans?

For humans the grounding is consciousness or awareness or witnessing or nirvana or energy flow or let-go or whatsoever you want to call this. All other grounding or centering that we feel other than this are all relative to some partial state of you and not for your whole life. That is why you miss it when you change to another state.

So don’t stop anywhere and move to your real centre. That will give you bliss, you will be in utter relaxation and awareness. OSHO!


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Disciple hood – the intelligent way to Enlightenment

Dear friends,
Whatever is the growth of mankind, some things you cannot change?

For example, science can be taught, whatever is the creation of mind, created on the ground of logic can be taught. Language can be taught. Maths has to be taught only. Engineering, medical can be taught. Even in these, the subjects are taught but the application of the subject cannot be taught, but it has to be learned by the interested person.

In case of ART, only techniques can be given. Tips can be given. Basic approach can be given, but not the art itself.

 In case of science, 75 percent can be taught and only 25 percent, the person has to learn. How to apply the science to a person or circumstance or work is a learning and it needs intelligence. If a person is completely lost the touch of himself, he cannot be intelligent, that’s why most of the first rank academics fail in life. In case of ART 25 percent only can be taught and the remaining 75 percent has to be learned by the person interested. The interested person has to come close to himself, explore his inner territory, his feelings, his body and for that he has to watch the ARTIST again and again, live with the ARTIST, feel the ARTIST and see how the ARTIST fall in tune with himself and so he gets dissolved and the ART is emerging.

This way of learning is a great opportunity and nowadays only few are blessed with this. That’s why the arts are becoming rare. Particularly it becomes a rarity in poor countries like India, because the whole society is behind money, forgetting the real values of life. Of course when you are hungry, you cannot offer to learn ART. Because learning itself is possible only when you are relaxed, full of energy like a child. When you are struggling and fighting and in tension, you can only pickup the minimum requirements to win, you won’t look for beautifying things, enhancing things, enchanting things. ART is 75 percent to be learned, so naturally you go for something which can be taught mostly and you can use it for your immediate requirement of survival and reaching social values.

Now, the spirituality or the INNER SCIENCE and OSHO wants to use this word. In learning the Inner science or in that process comes a capacity of everlasting ability of not losing the self nature or self realisation, which is called enlightenment. So everybody have the potential for it and they don’t recognise it or they forget it or don’t realise it because they don’t enjoy in it. It is more like, you have a swimming pool in your home, but you never use it, you don’t realise it, you have no time to enjoy it and so you don’t have the real taste of enjoying the pool and so you go to the bar for relaxation. Meditation is your INNER POOL and you are alone there. Nobody else can enter there. All your relationships, friendships, work, business, family, society and all its values are outside the body, based on the body’s projecting sensual experiences but the INNER is independent, alone and you are and only YOU is there.

This is mystery of existence. You have an outer and an inner and you can enjoy both. Moreover the outer and inner are looking two but they are like two sides of the coin or two edges of the stick or the centre and circumference of a circle. They are not opposites but complementary. But only the way of outer struggle and finding comfort in outer can be taught. Bringing the inner being into the outer is ART. Absorbing the outer to the INNER BEING is spirituality, inner science.

This is more like you live as a tree. Rooted in your inner being and extending the outer branches. The whole life is absorbed in the roots and its dance is the outer tree. This cannot be taught. This is 100 percent learning only. In art at least 25 percent can be taught. Here anything taught will have only negative effect. It’s totally learning. No rules here, no steps here, no syllabus here, no certificates, no grades, no training, no time limit, nothing can be fixed here. It can be immediate, it can never be, nothing is certain from the point of mind ways.

But still in existence, there is one gift for us. That is the living of a Master. A Spiritual Master means a person, who becomes a Master to himself, self realised, found the roots, remembered his self nature. He lives it, he is it, he has it, and he is a live wire of life current. So he can be a catalytic agent, he can trigger your inner being. Any natural tuning is triggering the INNER BEING of any sensitive human, like the ocean, mountains, falls, river, forest etc., Even a wild flower or a stray dog can trigger. So is the Master.

So living near the Master, seeing Him, watching Him, drinking Him, getting tuned slowly, you fall in your self-nature which is, at the deepest point, is the same source for all. Without a Master, it is almost impossible, it is very arduous, tiresome, mostly you won’t complete, there are pitfalls like imagination, hallucination, ego comes through the back door etc.,

So for me, we should be very intelligent and understand that LEARNING is the only way for self nature and the best way to learn is from another human being that is the Master. The quality of readiness to learn, to be vulnerable, to be open is the quality called DISCIPLEHOOD. It has nothing to do with the Master. It is everything to do with an individual.

Master is same with a disciple or without a disciple. He is not dependent on the disciple. No disciple can dictate the Master. A master who is changing to attract more disciples is a fake and this is an easy way to identify the fake master.

So be a disciple, even without a master. Then nature becomes your master. Nature will bring the suitable master to you. Once the disciple is ready, the master appears, in any form, in any way, by any touch. The fake masters exist because of fake disciples. So don’t get disrupted by them. Be a real disciple, ready to live a life of disciple hood.
love, sidd.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Dear friends,
Something i want to say about our connection with OSHO always and today this happened like this, while i am talking with a friend. I summarise the talk.
When i met UG in 2006 or 2007, i don’t remember exactly, i spent a whole day in his presence.

At that time, on my arrival with other friends, he welcomed us and asks who are we? and i introduced ourselves as OSHO sannyasins. Immediately he said, “Oh! OSHO widows! Come, come.” I enjoyed it but i know it is not true and also i didn’t find words immediately to express my feelings. So later on, i told that we are not ‘OSHO widows’ but we are “OSHO+’ if you want to connect us with OSHO. I enjoyed what UG said because except OSHO for all other spiritual teachers, even for UG’s intellectual crap whom molested him all his life, this statement exactly fits.

This is one of the great and unique things that OSHO did. He never enslaved, even with his radical insights or with his new meditation techniques or with his abundance presence or even with his unlimited compassion. He worked to bring out the authentic living from every individual, and very carefully contradicts himself, so that nobody can live in his shadow. He maintains a flow, a inconsistency and a non capturable aliveness.

But at the same time he triggered a process in us, he worked as a catalyst, he served as a window to the real existence, a live wire of life, giving shock on touch in any way.

And by that we have grown, even we have out grown HIM and that is all he wanted.

He has time only to throw seeds and we have time to nourish the seed and enjoy the fruits.

In HIS time, nobody convinced that the seeds are not weeds, but now we have shown and proved how good the seeds are.

The way of beyond enlightenment and living as a rebel, dying to the past every moment and expressing in creativity, opens many new doors of life and we get many new revelations from existence, which enriches life.

OSHO is a beginning of a New-human, a new era and brings the possibility of paradise in earth.

Nobody can stamp him, nobody can make a philosophy on his teaching to learn as an academic subject, nobody can make him anything dead. It is impossible. He is a continuum, that also not by organization, not by any circle but by his direct thread of love, the connection he established with his sannyasins.

Now, we in turn connect with people and pass on the taste of love, trust, joy, laughter and meditation, which he shared with us. We find more ways to share, more colours to paint, more secrets to sing, which is growing moment to moment and unfolding according to the situation and climate.   

We trust existence, and that’s what we learned from him, we live in creativity with imperfection and always leaving growth possibilities. We don’t fall into the madness of creating a great institution or organization and instead share to bring out simple, sincere & factual human beings through our joy and celebration with awareness.

So we are really a OSHO+ and nothing to hide in it but all to be joyful and grateful.

Love, A OSHO+,


Friday, April 11, 2014


Life means feelings. The difference between dead and alive is his feelings. Action can be induced by machines. Social responses can also be induced in a machine because it all comes from the storage of memory of the brain.

But feeling of “I AM” or the feeling of “AMNESS” is the real life. The “I” may be one of the stand points chosen by the brain from the opinions of others to polarise the memories. But the feeling of “AMNESS” is always there, that is consciousness.

Ok. Now what is meant by the word “Enlightenment”. Normally it is said that there is some unknown experience without the experiencer and that one is called by many names like God, Meditation, Vipasana, Mukthi, Moksha, Nirvana, Awareness, Consciousness, Witnessing etc., and because in this there is no experiencer, you cannot verbalise it.

But there are lot of momentary experiences without the “I”. Like accidents, falling in love, wonder, stunning beauty, unfolding creativity etc. These moments are leaving a deep experience in you, though you forget yourselves in those moments. It is more like that you say, “ i had a sound sleep” but you were not conscious in that sleeping moment.

Not only that the moments of “without i” leaves a deep imprint in you but also they change your way of living and seeing the life. So for sure “Enlightenment” is also an experience of you without the “I” but without losing the state of consciousness, instead in the peak state of consciousness.

Your body is relaxed so that the whole energy is in a peak state of consciousness, because in the tense state of the body, the energy moves in the body to make it more powerful. Also the mind is not focused because a focused mind forgets the source and the whole energy moves towards the object to achieve. But normally, relaxation is associated with sleep and energy is associated with activity either in body or mind. 

Anyhow in the above, we approach “Enlightenment” from the point of, how the body and mind will be. But what i want to share is not that.

For me Enlightenment is that, you feel the present moment completely. Your feeling is rooted very deeply in the moment. All your energy is available and flowing in this moment of life, for this moment of life. You feel the present-moment’s top and bottom together; you feel the centre and circumstance of the present-feeling’s together. You feel the fullness and emptiness together, you see the connection and cut together. You are so balanced that you see the whole of your-presence in this moment, the tangible and intangible. Your view becomes complete, you see the birth and death both. You feel the flow and you feel the unchanging part underneath.

Once you get this full view, that is it. It changes your way of living and seeing the life. It is like a pleasant smell added in your environment, nothing changes but the whole atmosphere has changed. You see silence and on which music hits, but the silence is so vast and deep and strong, the music does not make any mark on it, the music of life is a dance of the escaped particles of silence.

Enlightenment experience depends on the background of the mind and body you carry before it. Because the energy or consciousness locked in the body and mind in its patterns, memories, experiences etc., is jumping into a new realm by suddenly getting the full view. It also suddenly tasting the untasted reality. When you touch this after so much of life long effort, naturally a good laugh will born out of you.

This state of being is best worded by OSHO as “witnessing”. This is the same reason that OSHO says that the future religion is ZEN, and only ZEN. Because only in ZEN everything except “witnessing” is removed. No path, no scripture, no teaching, no discipline. Just you sit in ZAZEN, that means just sit unmoving, doing nothing, simply sitting, the spring comes and the gross grows by itself. You enter into the full view.

By this the false boundaries, the false limitations of body and mind were also lost and this also leads to a new experience.

Actually, after “Enlightenment” you become simply an experiencing body. It starts a new life with a new vision. Without the anxiety of “I”, you move towards the existence or the existence moves through your body. Both are right. You are one end of existence’s innumerable ends which grow or expand. You live you feelings and they take you to more deeper realms. Because now, you are always fresh, without any pattern, without any focus, and only the present-moment manifests in you according to the need of the moment. This is the life “Beyond Enlightenment”. Because of this, the people of enlightenment move to solitariness to move into deeper realms and the society bondage is a hindrance to this.

So as OSHO says in one place, upto Enlightenment you move towards enlightenment, and after that you move towards existence.
sky view,

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I think the most talked, preached subject to humanity up to now is love.

OSHO used to say that because of this so much teaching, it was killed, poisoned and a total hypocrisy, complete mask has been developed in its place.

I know this, because when i turn back to my childhood, i can see clearly that i was completely empty of it and i only wear a mask of it. As a child i have needs and fears and i was always filled with one of emotions based on these two. Those are difficult times and i was craving to escape from this slavery of fears and needs. But when i grow my needs and fears were also grown up and my struggle became more intense. Sex need also added further complication.

But, my goodness! I tasted love at lost after so much of this and that, and after so many years. In my experiences of falling in love, i tasted the energy of the opposite sex and the energy uprising in me, without the physical contact. This is Biological upsurge and receptivity only, but still i felt first time that i am expanded, i am more than what i think, my limits are more than what i felt up to now. So from then on i love all lovable girls and always feel the flow of energy in me. In this flow of energy moments, i was out the fears and needs which torture me and also this gave the of experience of freedom, freedom from struggle and fear and thousand and one things and also a sense of expansion.

But still it is not love. It(the love) happened in one moment, when i was utterly contend, relaxed and free from needs and fears. Suddenly from the my state of contendness, energy started overflowing and filled my empty heart, moreover it started overflowing from the heart and started filling the whole place outside me also. O! This is love! I tasted. But the moment has gone.

I tried to get it again. But the journey continues with all ups and downs. In some moments i touched it while i am in meditation, while in sharing OSHO with somebody, feeling J.K., Ramana, i can say. But the important thing is i felt great agony within me in all other moments, as if i am in a prison locked up inside my mind.

This keep my search going on and i end up with letgo of everything in me. And i found that i am in peace, contend and the love started following. It opens door to feel more expansion and when we were expanding  beyond the limits, only the witnessing remains with us. So it is complete.

The journey from i to witnessing is possible only with the experience of expansion, and that is love arising from the empty and contended heart. A child is contend in the womb,  it is enjoying love, it is in the expansion of the mother, it is in the love of the mother. So everybody tastes love energy with the mother and it becomes the basic need of life, basic search of life.

The mother has a privilege of experiencing the love by her biological expansion into the child. That is the natural peak experience of love, but it is not conscious. The next one is sex, in which biologically you connect with the other and bio energies melt into each other and you feel the expansion, but again it is not fully conscious. But the friendliness can give a small conscious taste.

So love, love, and expand, become the expansion and when you lost completely in it, you are witnessing also.

Empty hearted,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Magic of Sensitivity

I want to share, how the transcendence of unconscious sensations (it does not mean, they are bad) happened to me. 

Naturally a child is very sensitive. But when it grows, when it gets entangled with the family and society and with its growing stand point of “I”, it loses its sensitivity. It becomes a personality, more a social face, more head oriented, more logical, more idea based, more thinking oriented and loses its sensitivity. It is using the thinking more and senses less. It is more thinking dependent than its sensitivity dependence. So for a grown up human, the sensitivity is very less and the thinking process is very fast and non-stop. His whole energy is first used by the mind and the rest is not even adequate for the basic functions to maintain the body. Now this has become the basis for modern diseases.

So in this state of less sensitivity, a human gets a sensation only out of natural need. These are like hunger, sex, fear, sadness or anger. These are also not allowed naturally when they surface in you. They are condemned, regulated and controlled by the society from the outside and by your own mind from inside. You are suppressing even the basic sensations. So when you get the chance for sensations, these are flooding and you become totally unconscious and you act unconsciously. After that, you become afraid of these sensations because your consciousness is lost on those moments. So people are always worried about their sex, fear and anger.

But if you are really sensitive, that means you enjoy sensations every moment. Coolness of the dawn, beauty of the sunset, calling of the birds, smell of flowers, wakeup state of trees, brightness of the sun, heat of the sun, the miracle of your body, your breathing cycle, your food processing system, your brain function, a smile of the child, the blossoming of the motherhood, a morning walk of touching the earth by your feet, there are unlimited wonders and mysteries around us in every moment.

When you are living in utmost sensitivity in every moment, no sensation will take over you and you never fall into the unconscious. Whatever the sensation, even hunger, even sex, even anger, even fears cannot flood but instead they also will come to you like a breeze and won’t pull you down from your state of consciousness. This is the miracle. This is how you transcend to higher consciousness or bigger consciousness and also become free from the grip of basic sensations like sex and anger.

So less sensitivity and suppression leads you into more unconsciousness and more into the grip of few basic sensations, which cannot be suppressed forever. Because of this state, you become afraid of yourself, you become afraid that at any moment your mask can fall down, your personality can get broken.

On the other hand, increase in sensitivity, living every moment with at most sensitivity, leads you to a very conscious life, makes you free from the grip of all sensations including animalistic, unconscious sensations and you blossom into the state of peace and silence.